The 30 Day Battling Ropes Burn, created by Monique LaFontaine-Tomaso, is a one of a kind stand alone Battling Rope Workout Program. It is intended to be completed in 4 weeks, training 3 days a week, with 45 minute long sessions. Each session begins with a Battling Ropes Velocity Warm-up. Followed by 5 to 8 HIIT/Velocity segments. The timing of the HIIT/Velocity segments are set according to the intensity of the exercises in the segment, with timed rest periods included. Altogether this program includes 50 variations of battling rope moves. Each session will end with a 7-12 minute Battling Rope Sustained Velocity Finisher. The rope move you choose for your velocity finisher will remain the same throughout this program in order to progress to 10 minutes of sustained velocity.
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